Sunday, October 10, 2010

Before We Were Free by Julia Alvarez

Alvarez, J. (2002). Before We Were Free. New York: Random House

Before We Were Free by Juila Alvarez is a 'coming of age' story about Anita de la Torres. She is a young girl living in the Dominican Republic while it is under the rule of a dictator. One by one her family is fleeing to America and Anita wants to know why! He uncle, Tio Tony, and her father are part of the revolution for freedom and the government knows it. In this book, Anita struggles with lose--lose of her family, her friends, her childhood, and her idea of freedom, struggling with the stresses of growing up.

This book is suitable for older students, 6th grade most likely. It deals with very heavy topics and contains some very emotional and personal aspects.

The website for the publisher's site contains reader's guide questions for students.

This website all about the Mirabel sisters, who were big influences on the Dominican revolution.

Helpful Vocabulary:
dictator, freedom, diplomatic, apprehensive, intervention, potential, contaminated, captive, revolution, ransacked, traitor, discreet, paratrooper, evacuation, accommodate

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