Tuesday, October 26, 2010


In the book Italy by Kristin Thoennes, part of the Countries of the World series by Bridgestone Books, take a journey to Italy! This book is suitable for a vast age group since it's text is both easy to read and yet contains information that would be useful for research. It has many different sections, including sections on education, food, sports, animals, the land, and even instructions on how to play bocce. This book would be a wonderful addition to any classroom library.

Teaching Suggestion: Have students construct a KWL chart for this book. Start with what students already know about the country of Italy before the book is introduced and have them ask questions about what they would like to know. After reading and discussing the book, students can complete the 'What I Learned' column. Also, encourage students to research more into any questions they still may have about Italy or check out other books in the Countries of the World series. Such titles include books on Australia, China, Russia, India, Ghana, France, and many others.

Writing: Students can compare Italy with America; since food, school, children, and other common aspects of life are discussed, the students will be able to relate well to the text.

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